Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Newtonion faith?

I believe in Newton’s laws of motion. One an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by a force, the second being the force of an object in motion is related to the mass and the acceleration of the object, and finally for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In a way our lives are objects and we are in motion. Moving around and hitting each other emotionally spiritually and physically. Everyone we come in contact with because imprinted with a small part of ourselves. Kind of like when you take silly putty and squash it on the newspaper. It is incredible how one small event can trigger a land slide of emotion and change in the individuals that were affected by it.

Be warned this is going to be a bit cheesy but still I think this is relevant to a lot of peoples experience. We all live according to Newtons 3 laws of motion. Our lives in their selves are full of motion, full of change, full of Force, we often don’t see how we impact and effect even the people in our own family. Here is what I propose. Human life progresses along Newtons 3 laws of motion.
I know profound right (sarcasm). Like I said bear with me. Ok so here we go. We will start from the back though to make this interesting. For every action there is an equal and reaction. We as a community of humans live in such close community and proximity that we cannot help but to effect the people around us. We talk to somebody every day, read and article, or post something on Facebook almost every day. It’s incredible how much social interaction that we need to survive. Where would you be without your MacBook iPhone with 5g speeds and the ability to socially connect with all of your friends in a matter of seconds? Honestly these days we would be lost without some sort of technology in our days. Trust me I know. I tried and lasted about the ten minutes it took me to take a shower. We take action that causes reactions on people we cannot even fathom. Like you reading this blog makes me happy and that makes me not complain at my roommate as much which makes him happy. So thank you. But back to the matter at hand. We are so connected that our words are actions that dramatically change how someone goes about their day or even their entire life. With one word like yes or no futures of entire families are changed. Once we realized this the rest gets easier. If we were to look outward to how we are affecting the people around us how much more of a happier place would the world be? Hunger could be gone, crime, heartbreak, and sin would be eradicated. It sucks that looking outward isn’t human nature doesn’t it?

This leads me to law number two. The force of an object is directly proportional to the mass and the acceleration of the object. Let’s say that for this analogy that mass and acceleration are much the same as ego and culture. We are often progressed by culture to be moving forward to increase our speeds. Do more things more often, party more, talk more and most importantly listen less. We spend all our time thinking about what we could say in a situation rather than spending our time thinking about what the other is saying. This can be attributed to the ego of some people. The bigger the ego the harder it is to stop the actions the progression that someone is trying to make. That ego of I have to be the one to help them, only my words can save this individual from doom often causes more pain than it helps. When you get to that point are you thinking that they would benefit from hearing this or will you benefit from saying it? Do you even listen to what they have to say? The answer is when I get in these moods no I don’t listen to whom I am trying to help. Why do we do have to act that way is often something that I ask myself. Can’t my driving force be Love and selflessness rather than my own pleasure and the dictated will of the culture? I am a force that is in motion with and increasing mass and a increasing acceleration. I just hit others and keep going about my same track of motion sometimes without any regard to the word around me. I ask you honestly if you were to look inward would you see a truly loving and selfless heart. I cannot say that I can.

There has to be a solution right? How are we to fix our selfish centers? That leads me to the first of Newton’s laws. An object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by and outside force. We as a community get so bent on doing everything our way in our time line for our own purpose that we fail to see the pain we can cause people. Fail to see how our words will destroy a bridge to other groups or communities in general. We let our interpretations of the word get us on the wrong path to us into to hatred and the Dark Side (Get it? Because I was talking about Forces. See what I did there?). Where all we can see is what “I”: can do not necessarily what we are supposed to do. I am not saying this of everybody or even that it is happening now but just to keep it in mind. I feel that we can often get caught up in these self-righteous thoughts that keep us going on our same trajectory and motion. We need our outside force for change. We need God to come into our lives and change us. Provide us with an opportunity to better ourselves and really learn where our path should be taking us. Like a ball rolling off the table he is the only one powerful enough to push us back on course. God is the only one who has the clairvoyance enough to see how our actions will truly benefit his kingdom.

 So my main point is if today you are feeling closed off and stuck in your ways like a ball rolling on a frictionless surface pray and open yourself up to change because I know that I will be doing the same for myself. I cannot be the director of my life. That is a job for one that truly knows where he needs me to be. And I believe that if you are open to it Jesus will meet us where we are at and send us back on track. I am just glad that I know a God who will not make me figure it out on my own. Lastly imagine what the body of Christ can do when we all fill our part and walk with the same intention of love and salvation.

            With Hope for all of us,
            Cyrus Schaaf

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